Monday, December 1, 2014

Thanking God for Answered Prayer: My Testimony

Thank you Lord for answered prayers. Thanking all the praying believers. I give God all the praise honor and glory for answered prayers. Several months ago the Dr informed me that my xrays showed a spot in my right lung, saying he thought the sarcoidosis-sarcoid was back in my lungs. 

Today's (12-1-2014) x-rays showed no spots, no gray areas, no growths, my Lungs are clear. What they saw several months ago, is no more. Thank you Jesus, Hallelujah

Thank you Jesus for healing me again. On Feb 2, 1981, I had left lung surgery and diagnosed with sarcodosis, both lung had nodules/growths and, left lung had collapsed. I remained on 60 mg of prednisone being weaned off after 9 months. I never having suffered any signs of sarcoidosis - sarcoid, nor suffered any respiratory problems for the past 34 years come this February 2015.

The Lord healed me and blessed me with an anointing to sing, write and to teach, preach his Word. Thank you Jesus.

Please continue praying for me and Jennifer, as we ask believing and thanking him, our Lord and Savior, for delivering and healing me from cervical spinal stenosis and chronic pain; delivering me from all these powerful medicine. Praying that I can continue praying, singing His praise, traveling to teach and preach his Word and continue writing new books, manuals.

Jennifer and I (AJS Ministry) recommit our lives to continue serving Him in all we do that it will Glorified God, through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Merry Christmas